Laver Close, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG5 7LS

01159 560990

Coppice Farm Primary School

A small school with a HUGE heart!



Welcome to Wondrous Willow  - Year 3 

  Class Teacher: Mr Green

     TA Support: Mrs Samecki

This page will give you information about what we are learning, key dates and allow us to celebrate our fantastic work! 

Reading diaries:

Should be brought in every day and home reading will be counted on Monday. 

At Coppice Farm, we have 2 ways to track and record our reading progress. We will be counting the 4 reads recorded in the reading diaries each week as usual and this will count towards our class percentage. We also have our reading challenge - this is an individual tracker where children's individual reads will be counted at their own pace.

Along the way, children are able to earn certificates for 25 reads, 50 reads, 75 reads, 100 reads etc. This will be counted each week (7 reads max a week).

Please ensure that children are reading at least 4 times a week. This needs to be noted in their reading diaries and signed by an adult. Rewards will still be given at the end of each half term for children who are reading 4 times or more each week. Reading diaries will be checked every Monday morning. 
Children can change their reading books as often as they wish. 


P.E. kits - This year, the class will have P.E every Tuesday and Friday.

All children are to arrive at school wearing their P.E. kit on Tuesday but will need this in a bag to change into on a Friday. (PE kit info to be found in the children's diaries)

Image result for muddy wellies
Forest School - sessions will be every other Friday. Although, we are trying to limit the amount of belongings brought in from home, your child must bring in a pair of wellies with their name on and a coat in order to participate in the Forest School sessions. If they wish, they may bring in some over trousers and other waterproofs which can be worn over the top of the school uniform/PE kit, along with scarves, gloves and hats in the colder months.


Homework will be set on Monday. We aim to link homework to an area of our current Topic, Maths or English so please encourage the children to complete this to the best of their abilities. If you have any questions regarding homework, please do not hesitate in contacting me.

Times Tables

In Year 3, children need to know their 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8 times tables. We will be revising the 2, 5 and 10 and the children will be introduced to the 3, 4 and 8 times tables over the year, as this is a Year 3 requirement. 

We encourage a lot of practice and support at home so children are familiar with these times tables ready for our challenges in class. Times Tables Rock Stars is a great way for the children to practice and their login details have been glued into their Home School Diary at the beginning of the year.

 Class Dojo 

We will continue to use Class Dojo to award dojo points, set homework, keep you informed of your child's behaviour and achievements in school and to relay any school messages. Please remember that the messaging service is no longer available so please contact the school office on or call 01159 560990. All absences/illnesses will also need to be reported straight to our school office.  
For any face to face queries, please speak to me directly or contact the office to arrange an appointment.