Laver Close, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG5 7LS

01159 560990

Coppice Farm Primary School

A small school with a HUGE heart!


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me, Mr Terry at


Class Teacher:

Mr Terry

Wednesday Class Teacher Cover:

Miss Hodgson

HLTA Support:

Mr Grady

Perry - Class Turtle

Click here for our latest newsletter

Spring Newsletter

Click here for the end of year expectations for Year 5

Year 5 ~ End of Year Expectations

Click here for the Long-term Curriculum Overview for Year 5



Our PE days this term are every Tuesday and 

alternate Thursdays/Fridays.


The following chart will help know which days the children require their PE Kits:


Please ensure you wear the correct PE kit to school on these days. 

Image result for muddy wellies      Forest School Sessions      Image result for muddy wellies

Alternate Thursdays

Please see the table above for this half term's days for Forest School

Bring waterproofs/wellies/clothes suitable for warmth and getting dirty!


Here's some of the fun we've been having this year!

Image result for reading

 Coppice Farm Reading Challenge 

Reading regularly is so important for children's learning.

Children are expected to read at least 4 times a week at home and record this in their reading  diaries. 

Diaries are checked every Friday.

There will be termly reading reward events for children who achieve 4 reads every week.


We are currently reading:

The Malamander by Thomas Taylor


Image result for homework

Homework will be set on Fridays and should be completed by the following Thursday.

Please return any completed homework by Class Dojo or the paper copy handed out.

Children should continue to practise times tables facts for the Times Table Challenge on Fridays.

By Year 5, children are expected to know ALL of their times tables up to 12x12 including related division facts.

Children can practise on their TTR account.

Please ask me for your child's login details if they've been forgotten! :) 


Our topics this year:

Autumn 1: Crime and Punishment 

Autumn 2: Material World

Spring 1: To Infinity and Beyond

Spring 2: Anglo Saxons vs. Vikings!

Summer 1: Mapping it Out

 Summer 2: Amazing Aztecs

Useful Links:


Keep practising those times tables!

Here are some useful links to maths activities:

BBC Super Movers


Hit the Button!


Useful links:


It is really important to keep up your reading at home. 

Try these reading activities to go alongside your books - 

 Reading Challenges!

 Click the link below to access a variety of online reading activities.

useful links:

SCIENCE:   a great website with science games and activities for kids on a range of curriculum topics. 

 Other good websites: 

National Geographic Kids


Primary Homework Help

 Learn to play a musical instrument online: