Laver Close, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG5 7LS

01159 560990

Coppice Farm Primary School

A small school with a HUGE heart!

School Governors

The Governing Body consists of a combination of people nominated, appointed, elected or co-opted by the local authority, staff and parents.

School Governors help the Headteacher and staff to achieve the school aims.


The Governing Body is made up of the following members:

Parent Governors – elected by the parents (3)  ( 1 vacancy)

Community Governors – nominated and accepted by the Governing Body (4) 

LEA Governors – nominated by the Local Authority (1)

Staff Governors – elected by the staff  (1) 

Head Teacher – by virtue of office [ex officio governor] (1)

What do governors do?

Governors offer support and strategic guidance, rather than getting involved in the operational aspects of a school. This involves:

  • Working with other board members to plan the school’s strategic direction.
  • Overseeing the school’s financial performance, ensuring money is well-spent.
  • Holding the headteacher or school leadership to account.

A governor’s relationship with the school’s leadership team involves challenging existing processes to drive school improvement.

Governors usually attend around six meetings per year - one termly Full Governing Body meeting alongside specific-focused committee meetings. 



Coppice Farm Primary Board of Governors 2023-24

Chair of Governors: Dr Jo Morling



RESOURCES - Chair: Mrs Kathryn Cooper

- Finance, HR, Staffing, Staff Appraisal, Health and Safety, Capital Projects/spending, GDPR

The Committee meets four times a year.

The functions delegated to the Committees are on the Decision Planner at Appendix B.



– Transition, SEND, LAC, Attendance, Pupil Well-being, Extra-Curricular/Sports Funding, PTA, Anti-bullying, On-line Safety, Behaviour, Pupil Voice

– English, Phonics, MFL, Maths, Assessment, Data, ICT, Curriculum, EYFS, Catch-up Premium, Pupil Premium, Leadership and Management

The  members of this Committee meet three times a year and focus on curriculum, school data, outcomes for pupils, overseeing all aspects of education in school.


The school governors would like to hear from any member of the Coppice Farm School community to assist the leadership of the school and ensure the learning experience for our young children is the best it can be.




Safe Guarding – Dave Armstrong-Jones

Health & Safety – Mark Hopkins

LAC – Elizabeth Terzza

SEND – Jon Glover

GDPR – Jo Morling

Data protection officer - Jo Morling

Pupil Premium – Elizabeth Terzza

Well Being - Jon Glover / Carly Hayto


Governor information and attendance 2020-2021




Chair of Governors

Dr Jo Morling - Acting Chair: Dec 2023

Vice Chair

Mrs Elizabeth Terzza - Acting VC

Co-opted Governors

Mr Mark Hopkins

Mrs Kathryn Cooper

Mr Jon Glover

Mr Dave Armstrong-Jones

Parent Governors

Dr Jo Morling

Mrs Carly Hayto

1 x vacancy

Local Authority Governor

Mrs Elizabeth Terzza 

Staff Governor

 Mr Matt Terry


Head Teacher

Mrs Donna Quarless-McGee




School Governor Resources

  Governors use the modern governor section to update their training and learning needs. The school purchases this package of support as it is a valuable tool for professional development.